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TCBPHA Vision, Mission, and Values

Our vision is that the tri-county region has a comprehensive and thriving system of care so that all residents have access to affordable, high quality, and culturally-responsive behavioral healthcare.


Our mission is to strengthen Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington County community behavioral health providers through advocacy, best practice advancement, shared learning, and collaboration in order to improve the health of our community members.

Our Guiding Values

  1. Improve wellness and prevent the need for acute treatment.

  2. Promote the value of behavioral health and our member organizations by advocating to be equal partners in the design and delivery of a financially stable system of care.

  3. Direct our efforts toward healthcare transformation by modeling integrative care and committing to the triple aim in all we do.

  4. Honor equity and inclusion to ensure all communities and individuals have access to excellent and culturally appropriate care.

  5. Demonstrate the highest standards in care delivery, collaboration and continuous improvement.

  6. Teach and learn in every situation to build trust and work collaboratively

Compass Pointing North


The Tri-County Behavioral Health Providers Association (TCBHPA) was formed in early 2012 in response to federal and state healthcare reform resulting from the Affordable Care Act. Since its inception, TCBHPA has been the avenue for the region’s community-based mental health and addictions providers to work together to strengthen our system of care for greater community health. Our approximately 32 organization members include behavioral health providers of all sizes that specialize in providing access to healthcare for all children, youth and adults with mental health, addiction and culturally specific needs.

Tropical Leaves

Strategic Initiatives

Current strategic efforts include a focus on Integrated Care and Care Coordination, Workforce Recruitment and Retention, Equity and Inclusion and Outcome Based Care. Committees meet regularly to advance these and other issues—updates can be found here.


Additionally, members come together at regular Membership Meetings to advance committee issues, address new and current topics, hear from outside speakers and share information. CareOregon, Health Share and County representatives join us for a portion of these membership meetings on alternating months.

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